Thursday, May 8, 2008

It really happened!

The time has finally come. I have the piece of paper in my hand. How long have I worked for this paper that says congratulations you have graduate and now have a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Management. This is such a great feeling and a great weight off my shoulders. I started back in 2001 by going to Oklahoma State University for a year and then joining the Air Force and putting it off until 2004 when I started TUI University Online. As of March 2008 I am a graduate of TUI and the first one in my family to do so. My mom always told me that I would probably be the first one in the family to get it and that kind of added pressure but I also had a lot of people telling that I would fail just like the rest of my family. I think that pushed me even more.

Then in High school I was voted most likely to succeed. That was even more pressure so I had my work cut out for me. I worked harder and with my loving wife by my side the whole way telling I could do this and that she was there to help meant the world to me. I don't think I would have finished without her. She has been as much of a rock for me as she says I have been for her. I love her dearly and I thank God for unanswered prayers. Because if he did answer them I would have been with a different women and who knows what would have happened.

So now the on to the next challenge in life which is raising my kids right and furthering my education by passing my Certified Information Systems Security Professional or CISSP exam in June. I could use all the prayers that you guys have to offer, so please send them my way.

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