Friday, May 16, 2008

How cute they can be.

No matter how frustrated I become there are always points in my day or night when I can look at my kids and my frustration goes away. I will take last night for example. My daughter threw the biggest fit before bedtime to where I just wanted to walk out. I didn't want to deal with her anymore and I left my wife to calm her down and talk with her. Later that night we went in to close their window and my wife called me in to look at them. When I went into the room they looked so peaceful sleeping there. They were sort of laying on each other and snuggled up. I can only thank God for those precisou moments. I know they will grow up and understand more and more each day but at time I am so frustrated that I am not sure what to do. I am learning to just back off and pray so that I can calm down and take a better approach to the situation.

It is amazing how just simple step back and prayer can work in any situation. It doesn't matter who or what you are dealing with and if you feel like you are getting to heated maybe you should just step back and pray.

Does anyone else find themselves frustated with what they're kids do or don't do? I hope I am not all alone on that front.

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